USA, UK and Europe
Expand your boundaries and reduce your time to market with a partner bank. Lending programs, card programs, deposit accounts or payments. We prepare you from a regulatory compliance, contract negotiation and operational perspective for strategic partnerships with banks.
Fintech, Alternative & Marketplace Lenders
Looking for a bank sponsorship or strategic partnership? We were part of the very early Fintech & Bank partnerships and been part of some of the most successful partnership launches in history. Let us help you prepare for and find the right bank partner.
Earn more fee income, generate additional assets and diversify your deposit base. Improve profitability and lower capital growth requirements by partnering with a Fintech. We can help prepare your market entrance and create the control and oversight framework to comply with the relevant regulatory expectations. Guide your decision on whether to partner directly with a Fintech or work through a third-party technology connector.
Compliance & KYC/BSA Services
Initial Compliance Management System (“CMS”) build, including policies.
Fractional Compliance Officer.
Fractional KYC/BSA Officer.
Compliance Testing.
Due Diligence Assistance.
Risk Assessments.
Training Plan & Curriculum.
Prepare for Audits.